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Eirik L. P.

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  1. Yes, I forgot one more thing of interest - in Moscow they have å 4 lane road like our "Karl Johan" where some big AMG Mercedes SUV's did get our bad attention when they gave full gass at a stopping light, in the middle of a big city as Moscow is. There was also a couple of similar small incidents, but we did feel safe in our little Nissan Primera 2003 among mostly more expensive cars which we saw only in the city of St. Petersburg and Moscow. I think I saw 4 Lada's from the 1980's, but that was between the two cities where the scenery is still more like the 1940's Russia..... Mvh, Eirik
  2. Hi Emmanoul! I bought myself a LC 2009 this past December and will start Overlanding this coming summer, but before then, I have been on 3 - 4 weeks car drivings in Central America, Western America, Eastern Australia and finally in Russia on July 13th. of 2016, so I have experience of driving and seeing places, but with expensive Hotels.... As I have put all trips into Excel sheets, I have all expenses and doings to give to you if you want. We payed kr. 1515,- for turistvisum to "Visumservice" - you will get it for under half price by staying in line at the Russian Embassy. When you enter Tallinn, you will find a nice European city with an old Town. Driving out of Tallinn is easy with EU's contribution to a new super 2-lane highway, but when you get to the city of Narva which is a city with mostly descendants from Russia (many expensive suvs (except the super city mall), and a city with typical Russian design and quality, you know you are almost in Russia. Its takes 1 hour to get through this border, but we did not know we had to have a sort of visum for our car, so we stood in line for almost 2 hours on a parking lot in the beginning of the city to apply for a car permit before the actual entering! This irritating case was the only problem we had on our two week long drive in Russia! The road for the next hour is terrible, but once you are about 1 hour from beautiful St. Petersburg, you will be on a 2 lane high speed highway. PS! Watch out for cars passing at night on the Toll road if you take that road, (approx kr.1,5 or 4,- ) - they might be going over 150kmh... After 3 days in St. Petersburg we drove to Moscow for 3 days before we drove to Riga, Tallin and Stockholm (Kapellskärs Hamn ). Bottom line: If you can bear with staying in line with grumpy border police going in and out of Russia, you will find out that Russia does accept VISA all over, even at Shell gas stations.... They also have speed cameras near city. Putin wants to make his cities better than our european cities.... Good, luck, Eirik
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